A subset of data from BioTIME temporal surveys.
## `BTsubset_data` A data frame with 81,084 rows and 17 columns:
Unique BioTIME identifier for record
Double representing the abundance for the record (see metadata for details of ABUNDANCE_TYPE
Double representing the biomass for the record (see metadata for details of BIOMASS_TYPE
Unique identifier linking to the species table
Concatenation of variables comprising unique sampling event
Name or identifier of plot field, only used for fixed plots such as forest quadrats
Latitude of record
Longitude of record
Depth or elevation of record if available
Numerical day of record
Numerical value of month for record, i.e. January=1
Year of record
BioTIME study unique identifier
Validated species identifier key
Highest taxonomic resolution of individual, preferred is genus and species
Level of resolution, i.e. 'species' represented by genus and species
Higher level taxonomic grouping, i.e. Fish